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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Breaking in a new Catcher/Trapper

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Make sure that you put 2 or 3 pucks in the pocket before you tie it up-I glued 3 pucks together and used an old pad strap instead of tieing-MAKE SURE HE KEEPS THIS IN THE GLOVE ALWAYS!!

I've seen a lot of catch gloves get the pocket trashed because people just toss them in their bag with nothing in the pocket-then they throw their pads and everything else on top of it-nothing kills a pocket faster

Just toss pucks to him as much as you can for break in-DONT USE A BALL-you want the pocket to form to pucks, not balls

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Well...it isn't exactly high quality. Idk if it's leather or some fake leather of sorts, and depending on what, it might be hard to soften it up. But I do what I do with my baseball gloves, beat it with something, slather some baseball glove foam/oil on it and stick balls/pucks in it and keep it squished.

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