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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor xxx gloves

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so what do the vapor xxx gloves fit like? i like them loose, and i wear a 14" mission glove. should i go 14 or go up to 15 on these?? are they worth the money??

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They fit comfortably but tight. They really conform to your fingers, but it's a comfortable tightness. If you like eagles I'd stay away from these. Read some of the reviews on how people like them, I hear from most the plams wear CRAZY fast. Thats why they come with 2 pairs of palms. Just make sure someone near you can do glove re-palming.

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The palms really are a 50/50 thing. I've had my XXX's since Christmas and the palms are still as good as when I got them, but I have also heard complaints of them going after barely any use.

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The palms really are a 50/50 thing. I've had my XXX's since Christmas and the palms are still as good as when I got them, but I have also heard complaints of them going after barely any use.

From what I've been told they seem to show a lot of wear but will hold up for quite a while. The material on mine have been "chunking" for 3 or 4 months but no holes and they still feel great. Awesome gloves, I really love mine.

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they are the most comfortable gloves I have ever tried on. I highly recommend finding some XXXs and trying them on. They fit about the same as the XXs(and the XVs) if you can only find those.

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mine are tight threw the hand but loose in the cuff, and IMO mission glvoes fit smaller so a 15 seems like it would be better for you. I think they are more than worth the money, as for the crappy palms mine have small holes in them but i put a little pro toe on them and that seems to stop the wearing.

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