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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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suggestions for ccm curves

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well I just broke my 2nd shaft this month. I was using a synthesis 85 flex with iginla curve. CCm vectors are on sale on the net for dirt cheap, and was thing of picking two up. I heard they are pretty durable, and I will most likey go with the stiff flex seeing how I am 200lbs. I need help deciding on a blade. I can pick doan, lacav,bonk.....I have only used a sakic curve other then my iginla, and didnt like the sakic at all. Out of them 3 patterns what would be a easy curve to transition into from the iginla? thanks

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While were at CCM curves, are any of these close to a modano? If not, what is the closest current production CCM curve to the forsberg/Modano. I was thinking the steen.....search didnt yeild much.


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Modano/Forsberg ==> Stuart

As for the transition from an Iggy, try and find a Recchi, should be the easiest. Lecavalier and Doan will both be difficult. Think of Lecavalier as a Lidstrom, and Doan as a Sakic. Bonk is close to Bauers P71 I believe.

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