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Pitch holders on Graf 703 boots?

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I've got a pair of Graf 703's and a pair of Mission L7's. I feel like I skate better in the L7's but the 703's are definitely more comfortable to my foot.

I'm not sure what to attribute this to...But to me, the Pitch holder feels a lot better than the Cobra. Then again, the boot and outsole are also stiffer...So it makes it hard to say what makes me feel like I'm skating better.

Has anybody here put the Pitch holder on a pair of Grafs? If so, what'd you think?

Any other advice on why or why not to try this?

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I had Pitch Holders installed on my G35's. I really liked the combination. The Mission Holder is solid and I found that the steel held its' edges longer than Tuuks.

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I had Pitch Holders installed on my G35's. I really liked the combination. The Mission Holder is solid and I found that the steel held its' edges longer than Tuuks.

I'm getting a pair of G3s and dislike the Cobra. I was thinking of a holder to put on, and was interested in the PITCH. Would this be a good option? Or would i be better off sticking to the Lightspeed 2's or Tuuk Custom + ?

JR- Also if my LHS said they wouldn't change them because "bauer holders are meant for bauer skates etc..." Would you be willing to do them? I get my skates near the end of June. PM me on any info you could give me thanks.

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I had Pitch Holders installed on my G35's. I really liked the combination. The Mission Holder is solid and I found that the steel held its' edges longer than Tuuks.

I'm getting a pair of G3s and dislike the Cobra. I was thinking of a holder to put on, and was interested in the PITCH. Would this be a good option? Or would i be better off sticking to the Lightspeed 2's or Tuuk Custom + ?

JR- Also if my LHS said they wouldn't change them because "bauer holders are meant for bauer skates etc..." Would you be willing to do them? I get my skates near the end of June. PM me on any info you could give me thanks.

Totally up to you...I really like PITCH, but LS2 is pretty good as well.

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I had Pitch Holders installed on my G35's. I really liked the combination. The Mission Holder is solid and I found that the steel held its' edges longer than Tuuks.

I'm getting a pair of G3s and dislike the Cobra. I was thinking of a holder to put on, and was interested in the PITCH. Would this be a good option? Or would i be better off sticking to the Lightspeed 2's or Tuuk Custom + ?

JR- Also if my LHS said they wouldn't change them because "bauer holders are meant for bauer skates etc..." Would you be willing to do them? I get my skates near the end of June. PM me on any info you could give me thanks.

Totally up to you...I really like PITCH, but LS2 is pretty good as well.

I've skated Lightspeed 2's all year and loved them. I found that the holder was nice and stiff, and no forward pitch as seen in the Grafs. The reason for the holder change isn't for looks, its actually because i dislike the Cobras with the whole forward pitch, and am very comfortable with the Lightspeed's.

JR: Would i have to supply the Lightspeed 2's if you did it? Or can you supply them? I just need the plastic, i already have perf steel, which is another reason i'd go with Lightspeed's, is to save some money. PM me on prices etc..? I am interested in going with a professional on this one. Thanks.

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thanks for the replies guys...

i guess part 2 of my question is if maybe there's something else about the L7's that make me feel like i'm skating better? ie, outsole, or boot stiffness...or anything else it could be? or is the pitch/holder going to be the most significant change?

ie, is the graf boot itself pitched forward more? it looks like the heel is up higher. if so, will this be a problem, or can i approximate the forward pitch of the L7's by changing the settings on the holder once its on the grafs?

or should just try it cause it's all PP and i worry to much about equipment when i should be worrying about getting better, hah.

sorry for all the questions. i'm just a little hesitant to drill new holes and possibly void a warranty :]

thanks - MIKE

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