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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What other OPS are "blade heavy"

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Ok, so a few months ago I bought a bauer truflex gagne OPS from a fellow MSHer here.

Prior to that I have only used woodies, and still do, I still only own that one bauer truflex I bought.

I really like the feel to the stick, and I think the reason that it hasn't broken yet (based on what I read here and the durability of other OPS) is that I am not that good, still learning, so don't put too much flex on it, (for what its worth, my slapshot sucks, my wrist shot is very average).

Anyway, almost everyone I talk to says "Its a tank of a stick, but its blade heavy, its not that well balanced"

Well, to be honest, I love the feel of it, and the weight of it, and the balance. I am not sure if that will change as I get better, but I was wondering, are there other sticks out there now that are "blade heavy" or similar in feel to the bauer truflex stick.

It's a 102 proflex, RH gagne curve.


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I have a Synthesis 85 flex with a pro stock Synthesis blade. The blade is definitely heavier than a retail synthesis, and it's quite blade heavy. Doesn't really help much though, does it :D If you want to try a blade heavy 2-piece setup that is an absolute tank for reliability, try an Easton Ultra-Lite with an Easton Ultra-Graphite blade.

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I agree on the si-core, i used a stealth before and going to the si core it felt like a tank and it was definitely pretty blade heavy. There also still cheap at sport check if you can find one there.

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The Tour Burner is quite blade heavy but very limited in terms of curve patterns. As a matter of fact, I think there's only one generic pattern available right now, lol.

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can't speak for the SR. But the int. hex-1 is very well balanced for me - not sure how big of a difference a junior blade makes in this case. Can't be more than like 15-20 grams. In fact, Going from the hex intermediate to my novius w/ r2 woody made me think the inno was blade heavy (shaft 290g + blade ~150g) even though it's a fairly balanced combo.

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Just to clarify, I am not specifically looking for a blade heavy stick. The Truflex was described by more than one person as being a blade heavy stick.

By balancing it on my finger, its not a midpoint balanced blade.

I am simply looking for a stick that has a similar feel to the truflex, as they are not being made, and its just lasted me for this long, and feels so good.

If that makes sense

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