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Switching from Mission VSI's to He10K ...

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Hi all,

I've been riding the same Mission VSIs w/Generator for 6++ years now, epoxy-patched them a dozen times, stiched back the tendon guard too many times, used up about 25 of these whiny aluminium axles, and still love them so much. They're just an extension of my feet and they lasted way beyond what I ever expected.

But I fear that they won't last much longer. Anyway after so much use and abuse, it's time for retirement. So the question is : what should I expect if I get a pair of He10K ? How do they feel and behave compared to the VSIs ? How sturdy are they ? Are there other alternatives for a Mission-sold guy like me ? I'm about 6 feet tall/185lbs, play about 10 hours a week and need a lot of mobility in my play.

Thanks a lot for your feedbacks,


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I'm kind of in the same boat as you are. Been using my 1999 Proto V's for close to 8 years now, stitched the tendon guards many times. I'm riding swiss bearings and rink rats so if I make the switch, the boot will be the main difference, eh?

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The 10Ks are very stiff and responsive. They will take a bit to break in, but are very worth a little pain.

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like sdcopp said.. there isnt much pain in the break in process. I got the 9500s and didnt experience much pain at all. I was very suprised. This years skates will last you a long period of time. Of course they will feel nothing like you old skates. Its like a old shoe and a new shoe..Eventually you will break them into your liking and feel from your movements and strides on the rink

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I've got both the VSI's and He10k's. Major difference (as mentioned above) is the stiffness in the boots. Also, the 10k's are lighter and more responsive. I'm currently in the break in process of the 10k's and don't get much pain. Only issue I have is I get these nasty blisters on the inner side of my feet. Hopefully, these will be eliminated once they are fully broken in.

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I use the 9500's and I occasionally get blisters on the inner part of my foot, right below my ankle. I also wear super thin underarmour socks. I've had mine since january and I dont think they will ever stop blistering, but I am going to switch to a thicker sock and see if it works.

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Thanks guys, yet another question(s), somebody mentioned than Mission sizings are slightly different this year. Size 10 used to be perfect for my VSIs. Should I get a 10 or 10.5 on the 10K ? As I can't get hold of a 10 to try in my area, despair might make me e-order them.

As far as I remember, the VSIs used to be quite stiff when they were new. So new 10Ks are way stiffer than new VSIs ? That might be a problem mobility-wise if they're too stiff around the ankle. Did anyone actually improve his play after switching to the 10Ks (after break-in of course) ?

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Thanks guys, yet another question(s), somebody mentioned than Mission sizings are slightly different this year. Size 10 used to be perfect for my VSIs. Should I get a 10 or 10.5 on the 10K ? As I can't get hold of a 10 to try in my area, despair might make me e-order them.

As far as I remember, the VSIs used to be quite stiff when they were new. So new 10Ks are way stiffer than new VSIs ? That might be a problem mobility-wise if they're too stiff around the ankle. Did anyone actually improve his play after switching to the 10Ks (after break-in of course) ?

I went with the same size on the 10k's as I did with the VSI's. I haven't noticed any sizing differences.

I can honestly say the 10k's are the stiffest boots I've ever used; however, I have noticed a problem with mobility. There's a slight "learning period" to get use to the stiffness, but that's like most new skates though. As for improving my play, I think these definitely assist in my skating, but it could just be the placebo effect with having new gear. ;)

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