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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The best would be to find a C/A Tack to try on. But not many retailers carry stock off them, unfortunately. I believe that the same goes for the RBK:s...

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Just wondering, the D vector fits me well but the D tacks are too wide, will the C tacks be the same as the D vectors?

What part/s off the Tacks do you find wider than the Vectors? I.e, heel, midfoot or toe area?

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Sorta noticed the mid-foot aswell.

Felt my Vector Pro 7.5d's fit a little better (more snug) than my 7.5D Rbk's. But not enough to justify another size. I.E. it's still the size that fits me best.

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To the best of my knowledge CCM Doesn't make any of the Tacks in a C width. Just Vector 10, RBK 9K Pump & 8K. We're talking stock models.

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The 992:s are available in a retail C/A width, according to CCM:s website. Also, Icewarehouse.com has the Pro Tacks and the 992:s listed in a C-width.

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Just wondering, the D vector fits me well but the D tacks are too wide, will the C tacks be the same as the D vectors?

This is quoted from Icewarehouse.com:s website:

"The CCM Vectorâ„¢ boot design offers a snug fit in the heel with ample room to avoid pressure points"

"The CCM Tack boot design offers a slighlty narrower heel pocket with a slightly wider forefoot when compared to the Vector boot"

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