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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ultra lite or ST blade

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Wondering which one to put into my XN10 Redlite shaft. Any comments?

The XN10 is so light that both the UL or ST is going to feel blade heavy. Go with the PTC or a Z Carbon if you like Easton.

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The reason I chose The TPS shaft is because I like the whip flex. 85 Easton is too stiff and 65 int easton is too whippy. ANy suggestions? Thanks...(will the balance in the tps be way off?)

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I've used Ultralite shafts with Ultralite blades (175 grams) and Ultragraphite blades (200 grams) and both felt blade heavy.

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I've used the xn10 redlite with a z carbon and with the tps ptc blade (I broke the xn10, so i'm using a tps tricore). If you want a balance feel with your stick, go with the tps ptc blade (this combo is insanely light). But if you get the Z carbon, the stick will be a little bottom heavy.

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