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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do roller hockey skates fit like Ice skates?

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Just curious, looking into some roller hockey skates for the summer. I have just regular rec blades and would like to get hockey skates.

I fit the 11.5 E ccm 852 tacks for ice. Would I use the same fitting (-1.5 from shoe size) for ccm and/or bauer skates?

Buying from an LHS is not an option as I really don't know of any in the washington DC area (unless someone here knows, saba?)

Also, it will be for outdoor skating, anything I should know, in terms of wheels/skate, or will what comes on the skate usually be ok for some recreational skating


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CCM and Bauer-Nike inlines have generally the same sort of sizing to them as you'll find on their ice models but of course if you have the means you should try them on first.

The big names in inlines are Mission and Tour and both have unique feeling boots. I personally think the Tour boots are more comfy while the Missions are more responsive.

For outdoor play, the key is having a good set of outdoor wheels. The wheels that come stock on any mid-upper end skate model will come with INDOOR (i.e. performance oriented SOFT) wheels. The outdoor wheels you should look into are the Rink Rat World Cups and the Hyper RH150's.

I'd recommend picking up a mid range skate from one of last year's lines on clearance. Consider sticking with CCM if thats the boot style you're comfy with but be aware that the Vector skates seem to be built around a different last than the Tacks, from what I hear.

I hope this was helpful!

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I'd stick with CCM.

The Tours have a very unique feel but generally I'd say they have a wider toe box like your Tacks but without the really high arch.

The Missions will fit different depending on what model year but they offer a general all around good fit, sort of like Bauers but not as narrow.

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Are the nike ignite LX an ok skate to start out with?

Nike quest aero 11ee fit me really good, they are $120 in sports authority, but the ignite are only $60 on hockeygiant, which obviously buget wise is better for me.

Are they ok?

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