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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showoffs at the rink

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i hate it when people over emphasize their stride (after their stride is done they kick up their feet for no reason - it kinda looks like a kick that you would use when you swim)..drives me crazy

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I hate goalies that stand in the goal facing the wrong way durin pregame warmup for ages putting on equiptment and adjusting things so you cant shoot and your just standing there waiting

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I hate guys that think they will get more puck time if they stay out on the ice (this is in beer league/drop in). The opposite is true (from personal experience). If you get out and skate hard, you might only get one pass in a 1 minute shift, but you will have enough momentum to (usually) score a goal/set up a goal or something. I just know that when I'm playing D, the guys with the shortest shifts are going to get my breakout passes EVERY time. And the guy that has been out there for 2-3 minutes looks at me like he's ticked cause I refuse to pass to a guy who's WIDE OPEN but has no momentum and not a lot of intensity.

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