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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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patrice briesbois really sux!!!!!

who saw that pass right in the slot to lupal for the ducks to win in OT?

now the avs are losing 3-0 in the series. way to go man! :huh:

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:angry: god what a terrbile start to the series after beating Dallas in the first round

Avs totally shouldve won the game tonight

They played way better, but it was a fairly even game for the most part. Admittedly the ducks caught a break when Brunette had his goal waived off, it looked like the puck touched Bryz before it got to Brunette, but the ducks still outshot and out chanced them.

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Yes Brisbois did pretty much blow it for the Avs. But the upside is Theodore. What a game. You see that save on Selanne I think at the end of the 2nd period? Insane. Great game by him IMO.

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yeah. im really pissed. i have a stick of his and i broke it after the game. i also made my wallpaper on my PC say briesbios sucks with his picture crossed out.

hopefully the avs can pull one out of a hat. haha

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You broke the stick? :(

Don't abuse hockey equipment. Instead, support GAVIN (Gearwhores Against VIolence against Newstuff).

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Ya Brisbois sux a ton. i can name one huge mistake he made against Dallas: he coughed the puck up and gave it to Billy Guerin and Guerin walked in on Theodore and snapped one through the hole between the blocker and his body.


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Yeah I think that I can name more than 1 mistake by Brisebois Gaborik41. Just off the top of my head 4 or 5, and those are only the ones resulting in goals.

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