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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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converting skates

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I am a goalie, but i have an old pair of goalie skates sitting in my house, I was wondering is it possible to convernt them over to roller hockey goalie skates?I wasn't sure where to post this topic. so i put it in here.I am porobaly gonna get back into travel roller hockey so i was wonderin'is it possible or do you have to buy the skates? ? If goalies have photos of their skates could they pos-tup photos of the bottom.

thanks guys!

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Yes it’s possible. Usually Goalies use frames like the labeda Pro Extreme Edge (4 Wheels, Straight) or Labeda Predator (5 wheels, Straight) frame. After mounting the frame usually smaller wheels/goalie wheels are used rather then what is suggested.

Pro Extreme Edge Frame:




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On a related note, can anyone tell me how mounting a inline chassis differs from that of an ice hockey holder? I've been told you need a different riveter or an attachment for your riveter. Is it that the actual type of rivet differs? For example, is the rivet wider in diameter?

Just a curious equipment junky... thanks!

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On a related note, can anyone tell me how mounting a inline chassis differs from that of an ice hockey holder? I've been told you need a different riveter or an attachment for your riveter. Is it that the actual type of rivet differs? For example, is the rivet wider in diameter?

Just a curious equipment junky... thanks!

Essentially the same process. Same rivets.

The main difference is that inline chassis have a smaller mounting footprint(vs. Ice Holders),

which means holes are closer together, and closer to the wall of chassis.

Your proshop should have several different attachments that come with the riveter.

They'll have to use the longer/narrower attachment to get to the rivet so as to not damage the chassis.

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Our Goalie has a very old pair of CCM Pro Tacks with the ice frame cut off and the LaBeda Predator attached. He's been on these same skates for the past 8 years. This past summer I got a chance to try these skates in the net. Wow, they were the most comfy skates I've ever worn. He does everything and anything to keep them running. Panel beating, new bearings every 12 mths and new wheels every 6mths. The only way these skates are going to die will be an act of god.

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