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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Phoenix Coyotes Equipment sale?

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When I was there a couple of years ago it seemed that the stuff they had was in ok condition. As for sticks, good luck. The guys at the shop usually have first dibs then the rest is available. I saw a lot of cracked and chipped sticks. Gloves were in pretty good shape. But as I said, that was a couple of years ago.

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I was there just last week. If you are a left-handed shot, the place is used, pro hockey stick heaven. They had a couple of Visnovsky Stealth Grips (05 and 06 models). They had a couple of busted Conroy Synergy SLs too. The prices are awesome as well. They also have a bunch of new stuff - Red Wings '04 (silver) Pro Synergys, Kings TPS Response sticks, and Kings used skates. Being a right-handed shot, I wasn't able to grab sticks like a kid in a candy store :blink:

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