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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What's So Special About Wicked Light (2001)?

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Excuse my ignorance as I have not been interested in inline hockey until the last few years, but what is so special about the Mission Wicked Light Inline Hockey Skates? Were these skates very durable and comfortable or something? Please feel free to explain why these skates were/are so popular?

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Search for the threads on these. I've written many reviews... along with other people on MSH. That's why Mission chose to go with the Wicked Light name this next year.

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Theres a girl on Aussie Ebay selling a used pair if anyone was dying to get another set....


I remeber a few guys posting how much they loved them.

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missions are always high quality

Except for the 2 items I bought which were pieces of crap. Depends on the yr but I generally avoid Mission stuff like the plague.

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Except for the 2 items I bought which were pieces of crap. Depends on the yr but I generally avoid Mission stuff like the plague.

You can always have bad luck with stuff? I think you'll find that Missions quality has come a long way since their early days. I am sure that most brands have had products they fail time to time, hurm xx???

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