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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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7K Pumps vs. 992's?

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I figure an E width RBK is about a D width Tack right?

Anyhow, any opinions for/against either skate?

I think the RBK E width is like a Tack's E width. I wore a friends RBK 5K in a 7.5 E and it was very wide and long similar to a 452 tacks in size8 with E width.

I tried on a 692 size 7 and got a real snugg but cramped toes.

And the RBK 5 is pretty heavy.

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I always feel the reeboks fit wider than vectors, but I don't understand why they are always being compared to vectors for the fit.

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I always feel the reeboks fit wider than vectors, but I don't understand why they are always being compared to vectors for the fit.

Me too. The Vector's also have a small arch compared to the almost flat arch in the RBK's.

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