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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Spoofing Caller ID's

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I have been using this service for over six months and love it. Phone spoofing is the art of having any number show up on a caller id (landline or on a cell phone). For example, say your girlfriend thinks you are home (you are really cheating on her of course) you can spoof your home telephone number (using this service) and on her phone, it will show up as your home number. It is as easy as calling up an 800 number and following the instuctions. They give you a pin number and it costs about 10 cents a minute. This service is especially cool because you can change your voice. You can change your voice to sound like a man (you sound like the guy from saw, actually) or a woman (very high pitched, more of a joe pecci), or normal. All calls are recorded for free and can be listened to online or by calling the 1800 number. The site is below


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yeah, you got me, i run the site? Just thought it was a cool service that you guys would like to know about... you can really have fun with it

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Ya sounds like spam alright :rolleyes: . Vapors been here for a long time, do you think he would just randomly spam this site?

Sounds like a cool site, might try it some time.

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