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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blade for Z Bubble

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Would the new Easton Z Carbon CNT blade or the ST blade be a better match for the 2006 Z Bubble shaft? The CNT is 155g and the ST is 175g. Which would give the stick a better balance/feel?

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I'm in the same predicament. How is the ST compared to the old Z-Carbon and is it the same blade as the blade on the ST OPS?

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the easton rep said the ST blade is their price point composite blade

Regardless of whatever price point it is at, it's a pretty good blade for the money. It is certainly not junk. It's about the same as a standard composite blade...the Z-Carbon CNT is thinner...

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the easton rep said the ST blade is their price point composite blade

Regardless of whatever price point it is at, it's a pretty good blade for the money. It is certainly not junk. It's about the same as a standard composite blade...the Z-Carbon CNT is thinner...

is it better because it is thinner?? or less durable?

Also, i thought iginla was a pattern available for the ST, i never saw one,or it the heatley curve..

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Ohhhhhhhh LOL! i thought you were talking about the blade(pattern) not the hosel!!!LOL

hey i use Z-carb for 1 years now( that my only option for standard iggy blade)

And i never broke a blade, my toe is weaker than my focus flex, i broke 2 shaft but not a blade, I think the thinner hosel isnt very weaker.

Anyways on the 06 z-carb the hosel is a litte bit ''beefer'' than the 04-05 z carb.

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I don't know what to do now, I'm leaning towards the ST but I've heard good things about the Vapor X. I don't know how easy/difficult it would be switching to a tkachuk curve in a TPS PTC which is one blade I'd like to try out. I'm finally convinced I'm sold on the modano/forsberg/pm9 blade and I dunno my options.

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Get a warrior blade better performance than easton and very durable. If you like the modano curve then i think the warrior federov is a clone.

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Get a warrior blade better performance than easton and very durable. If you like the modano curve then i think the warrior federov is a clone.

i agree my old inno blades lasted much longer than any easton blade i ever had.....just curious tho, what are the weights of the new AK27 blade?

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i recently started using the 06 z-bubble with the cnt blade. The only problem i have ran into is not with the blade but with the shaft, the feel with the puck and eveything is very good but the shaft is very thin and smooth so it turns in my hands. but after a quick tape job it is starting to become one of my favorite sticks that i've used.

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Get a warrior blade better performance than easton and very durable. If you like the modano curve then i think the warrior federov is a clone.

I personally hated my warrior AK27 blade. I guess some people are different. I love the CNT blade though. IF you just pick up the new CNT Z-carbon blade it just looks and feels really well made all around. You'd be suprised how much better they feel compared to the older ones. I want to buy one and put it in my SL shaft just to have as a backup to backup to backup stick ;)

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Do The CNT blade are like the ST?? and are these two blade(well ST and CNT) have a ''hotter feeling''??

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Do The CNT blade are like the ST?? and are these two blade(well ST and CNT) have a ''hotter feeling''??

no the CNT is completely different. The ST blade doesn't even have CNT. The CNT blade will feel "hotter". The ST blade is like the blade on the ST OPS. It has the 3 Ibeams i believe to make it supposedly more durable.

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I just got my ST blade today as i didn't feel like shelling out the extra funds for the CNT. The Z-Bubble feels quite evenly balanced with the ST blade. I'll give it a go on my skate on saturday and I'll give some feedback.

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So i tested out the ST and i must say that I was quite impressed with only a 60 CAD blade. Not the most expensive and the performance is really good. Puck feel is decent, and the stiffness of the blade is great. Get one if you don't wanna drop a chunk of cash on a z carb cnt

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The durability of the CNT is average IMO. I used my CNT blade for 3 months and the insides of the blade went soft, but at least the CNT coating held up. I just went out and bought the ST blade and we'll see which blade will last longer ;)

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I don't know what to do now, I'm leaning towards the ST but I've heard good things about the Vapor X. I don't know how easy/difficult it would be switching to a tkachuk curve in a TPS PTC which is one blade I'd like to try out. I'm finally convinced I'm sold on the modano/forsberg/pm9 blade and I dunno my options.

If you're sold on the Forsberg/pm9/federov, I'd definitely recommend the Vapor X blade. It has held up to all kinds of abuse for me. The ST blade is pretty good as JR said and I haven't seen any break yet...Too bad they don't make the Drury. But if you can get a Vapor X for the same price as or cheaper than any of the others, definitely pick it up. It shouldn't be hard switching to a Tkachuk if you can use a Forsberg or pm9 interchangeably.

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The durability of the CNT is average IMO. I used my CNT blade for 3 months and the insides of the blade went soft, but at least the CNT coating held up. I just went out and bought the ST blade and we'll see which blade will last longer ;)

Depending on how much you play 3 months would be a lifetime for me. <_<

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The durability of the CNT is average IMO. I used my CNT blade for 3 months and the insides of the blade went soft, but at least the CNT coating held up. I just went out and bought the ST blade and we'll see which blade will last longer  ;)

Depending on how much you play 3 months would be a lifetime for me. <_<

Agreed. I stopped using Z Carbons after I needed a new one every week, it got a little to expensive for my taste. I'd rather use 1-2 woodies that go soft instead of buying a $50 blade all the time.

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My 2 Warrior OPS blades i had went soft after about 1-2 weeks...that sucked. They were nice and stiff when i first got them, then just felt dead. The cnt stealth blade i'm using has lasted the longest of any I have had recently.

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My 2 Warrior OPS blades i had went soft after about 1-2 weeks...that sucked. They were nice and stiff when i first got them, then just felt dead. The cnt stealth blade i'm using has lasted the longest of any I have had recently.

i have a dolomite 2 piece, which ive had fro a month or so. the blade has held up great. im supprised yor blades went soft after 2 weeks. amzing.

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