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Expert predictions

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Watching Sportscenter I am confused to how all these so called experts got their jobs. Pierre McGuire is 6-6 in his playoff predictions, worse than that monkey who spins the wheel. I am 8-4, not overly spectacular but you have to question how TSN and other stations and sites go about hiring their "experts".

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Watching Sportscenter I am confused to how all these so called experts got their jobs. Pierre McGuire is 6-6 in his playoff predictions, worse than that monkey who spins the wheel. I am 8-4, not overly spectacular but you have to question how TSN and other stations and sites go about hiring their "experts".

Please tell me your joking..... your questioning tsn because their anaylists aren't predicting the correct teams? That's why hockey is exciting, because some guy can't just come in and tell you who's going to win. That's the reason people watch sports, they're unpredictable and exciting. If the job was based on that, you'd be working for tsn. I don't like McGuire either but there's better reasons to get rid on him than this. :rolleyes:

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I agree with hockeyman. So what if he cant tell the future. they make there choices on what they believe will happen. its not fake ass wresting so therefore no one can "predict" the future.

Besides maybe david blaine......

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barry melrose picked the flyers against the sabres, even when they were down 3-1. Then he picked ottawa against the sabres, again when they were down 3-1. Now he is picking carolina in 5.....

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Its more fun when the experts are wrong because the underdogs win. The top 4 from the West went bye-bye. I thought we were all experts. Its just that at the moment I am an un-employed expert!! Actually its been longer than a moment...........

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They get paid big money to provide expertise, it's not like the playoffs have been that unpredictable. I mean, a regular teenage hockey fan like myself was able to get 2 out of 3 series predictions right. It's their job as experts to pick out those underdog teams like Edmonton, it's not like they have something that takes precedent over watching the games in their life like we do. Also, I was my interest came of the poor TSN predictions but my criticism is more of the online sites because I realize guys like Bob Mckenzie know more about the game than me. My questioning mainly pertains to the diffuculty of a simple playoff predictions blog and how the experts are seperated from the regulars.

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I agree with hockeyman. So what if he cant tell the future. they make there choices on what they believe will happen. its not fake ass wresting so therefore no one can "predict" the future.

Besides maybe david blaine......

better add Chuck Norris to that list :lol:

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Sometimes the seperation between regulars and experts is nothing more than having connections, a good TV voice/face. Of course the voice goes out the window w/ McGuire.


Bottom line is that very few people can see into the heart of a team...a heart that can be awakened at any moment by a single event on the ice..and change the entire momentum of a series....looking at the heart of a team is a far surer way to make better predicitons in play-off times than simply talent and the history of play.

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