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Any good hockey shops in Chicago

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I am going to chicago for 4 days in June for business, and as the price/selection here in NOVA is not altogether terrible, but certainly not spectacular, I was hoping someone could tell me if there are any good shops in chicago with good price/selection, mainly selection.

Selection here is not that good.

I will probably not be renting a car there, because I am staying where the conference is, so trying to find something near the fairmont hotel.


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I am now in Barrington and always head out to Jerry's Hockey Warehouse on Morse road in Schaumburg and in Rolling Meadow. You may want to check that out.

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I think the faimont is downtown near millenium park, so the only place that's within walking distance would be the Blackhawks team store, Hawkquarters. They mainly sell clothing and gifts, but in the back they have a bunch of pro stock sticks and game used pads and skates. I've found some really great stuff there for cheap, but there isn't much of a selection.

To get to any other pro shops, you'd need to get a cab or a car or take public transportation. You can get out to Guzno's in River Forest (the suburbs) via the L, but it's a ride and you'd still have to hike a bit to reach the store. They do have a good selection, but I think they're way overpriced.

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gunzo's is good

Gunzo's is great, they have pretty much everything and the prices are good too :)

When I bought skates there a couple years ago thay basically had every skate except like missions

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Yea I'd say Gunzos is probably the best shop in around Chicago. The one in River Forest is located at 7706 W. Madison, River Forest 60305. Go to gunzos.com and you can get a map on their web page that shows their location and the city.

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The main one is in Schaumburg and another one is in Alsip (south suburbs). I only go to the Alsip one, so I don't know what the other one is like.

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I checked out the Gunzo's in West Higgins last night and was fairly impressed with the selection. I was able to purchase a Vapor 8 (?) girdle and a Tackla shell.

I'm heading to Jerry's tomorrow.

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