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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Free 10.0 Stick with 10.0 Skate purchase

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last year you had the choice of curves when I bought my Vector Pro's!

I picked up a V120 Lecavalier for free :D

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Some hockey shops will take the OV stick you get and swap it for a pattern of your choice. That's what I plan on doing. It's a no-brainer.

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Dear god, eBay will runneth over with Ovechkin Patterned 10.0 Vector OPS... sweet

Actually, probably not, the OV pattern is nice and most will keep it.

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In Canada....the promo is only avail at select LHS - CCM platinum dealers - so you have to be caeful where you buy the skates.

Does anyone have an opinion on the skate??

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Dear god, eBay will runneth over with Ovechkin Patterned 10.0 Vector OPS... sweet

Actually, probably not, the OV pattern is nice and most will keep it.

Isn't it a Drury-like pattern?

Good luck selling those. Most popular pattern at pro = worst selling pattern at retail.

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In Canada....the promo is only avail at select LHS - CCM platinum dealers - so you have to be caeful where you buy the skates.

Does anyone have an opinion on the skate??

Not an expert opinion but the V10 has more of the "Microtex trims" instead of the plastic exoskelton thing on the side. Less plastic stuff will fall off as it looks more integrated with the boot. Maybe lighter.

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