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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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help choosing blade

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hello fellow msh'ers,

i need help in picking my blade for my tour beemer ops which I have cut. i want to reinsert the blade in the same end where the blade used to be (i don't want to flip it around and ruin any kickpoint that may have been engineered in the shaft). anyway i have already cut the blade off and removed this gooey, yet solid, type substance that was in the shaft, and any of the remains plus this plastic type stuff i pushed down further into the shaft with a screwdriver leaving enough room for a blade's hosel to get glued in.

anyway i'm planning on getting a warrior federov pattern for the lower lie (lie 4) but i'm not sure if i need a tapered or standard blade (if there are any measurements i can take for u to help me determine if where i cut it will even accept a tapered blade, i have never seen a tapered blade before and have no LHS nearby) so my choice would be between getting the Dolomite II or AK27 blade.

if anybody knows anything to help me determine whether i need a standard or tapered blade that would be greatly appreciated and if there is another topic on this then let me know, i was trying to search for it and know thre are several cutting OPS threads but my case seems a little specific

thank you

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would it be possible for anyone to provide measurements (cross-section area) of a tapered blades hosel? i have a wooden jagr senior blade here and lined it up with the end up the cut shaft and it is larger, is a tapered senior hosel significantly smaller?

edit: maybe even better if someone had a dolomite 2 to check, since i've heard different companies have slightly different size tapered hosels, and warrior has the only composite blades with senior lies lower than 5 (weight or fedorov)

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yes, the size between tapered and standard hosel blades are significantly different. you could fit the Jagr blade in the shaft, but you would have to shave the blade down, effecting the durability.

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Sorry to bring up an old thread. I was searching for something else and came across this. Figured I'd put in my 2 cents for future readers.

I've got a beemer inferno shaft cut for tapered blades to fit into the original blade side. I have a mission wood ether blade in there and it fits perfectly- no shaving, no tape on the hosel and it's secure.

On the handle (top) side, it is smaller than a standard senior blade and wider than a tapered senior blade. my suspicion is that it would fit a jr blade. I shaved down a Sr. butt end and inserted it at the top for length.

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