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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Breakin Problems

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Looking for some advice and opinions on the follwing problem.

I purchased a pair of New Mission Jr. S500 skates off of Ebay for my 9 y/o son, for his spring league play.

The problem seems to be that they are hurting his arches. So far in practice skates with them he hasn't lasted more than 30 min. He's pretty tough, and the last time out he even told me " Dad I tried to suck it up, but they hurt too much"

They're a size 2E, and the length/size of the skate definitley isn't the issue. All of his past skates have been a standard D width in youth sizes. His past skates he's worn have been CCM tacks, Vector 6.5, and currently Reebok 8K (youth). I read all the reviews on the S500 and was pleased to find out that it got mostly positive feedback about comfort. Plus I was really excited b/c in a Mission skate he is a junior size therefore the skate actually carries all of the features, ie... composite outsole. Whereas all of the other mfg's drop the top end features if the sizing slips into youth sizes. So IMO I was getting him a great skate for a smokin deal.

He has never had breakin issues before. I did take these in to my LHS and had them baked for him. I've had him wear them around the house for hours, with no discomfort at all. Should I continue with these skates expecting that they will eventually break in for him being as they are probably stiffer than what he's used to. Or stop and try something else. Are there any other breakin techniques? My conundrum is that by the time fall is here he's gonna change sizes again. So I really don't want to go dole out a couple of hundred or more at my LHS when I know I'll be doing that in the near future, on the other hand how do I replace a good skate like this, without paying big $$ over the short term.

Also considering what is out there for a good replacement, anyone have an opinion on an older model (2004? maybe) Nike Quest V-force Pro Stock.

Hockey Monkey has Jr. model on for $110.00

Thank you for your advice!!!

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I think you answered your own question, items such as a composite outsole can take some getting used to, although I'm surprised your kid is 2 sizes larger in Mission than other models for the S series, an L series may be the right Mission for him (and new XP for '06/07)

sounds like his foot is getting tired in the skate since its likely a good deal stiffer in certain areas than a Yth model...also may want to check the footbed..if it doesn't have an arch add one that does (albeit a thin one) and if it does, find a thin flat footbed and see if it works...

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Since I've posted this, I've done two things. I looked closer at my sons foot, it does appear he has a flat or rather close to no arch.

Second, I'll pulled out the insoles of the Mission and his old Reeboks. They do appear to be very similar if not identical in the way they fit his foot when he steps onto them. however upon closer inspection of the skate itself, the Mission does appear to have a slightly more noticable increase in the arch.

So I'm going to go with Jim A's advice and see if I can add a flatter foot bed to this skate to see if it will compensate.

I hear you can get a better custom fit from Graf. Although it appears to me all of the other mfg's seem to put more effort into innovation and improvment without the high price tag. And then there's all the parents who purchase them (Grafs) for the sake of an "IT" name and the high price tag. Guess I'm a non-conformist.

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I post this same suggestion every time this issue comes around. Get a pair of $0.99 Dr. Scholl's flat pillow insoles at your local drug store. Cut them to size and give them a go. I will bet this solves the problem. I have done the same in all my skates and it works like a charm.

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I'm currently demoing a pair of AG110s given to me by the local rep and when I was wearing them around at home, I had terrible arch pain, just from standing. I switched the insoles with my old V-12 Zoom air ones and it helped a lot. Try putting a thicker footbed in like the shock doctor.

Edit: Ive also skated in them twice with the thicker footbeds and they feel fine.

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Since I've posted this, I've done two things. I looked closer at my sons foot, it does appear he has a flat or rather close to no arch.

I hear you can get a better custom fit from Graf.

Graf's, while wonderful skates that fit a wide variety of foot shapes, do not work for low arches. Have him checked by a podiatrist...orthotics now may save foot probs as an adult...and still young enough might be possible to correct - although at nine yrs that's pushing it.

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