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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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IM in the market for a new computer. i like do download music, go on "aim" and go on alot of websites. i want to get a labtop. I was thinkin about an apple ocmputers. does anyone have any expierence with them or any labtops. please let me know. thanks!!

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IM in the market for a new computer. i like do download music, go on "aim" and go on alot of websites. i want to get a labtop. I was thinkin about an apple ocmputers. does anyone have any expierence with them or any labtops. please let me know. thanks!!

Fyi, they're laptops not labtops. Ask Vapor about apple...

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go with a macbook, they are the perfect consumer notebook. They have 13 inch widescreen displays which is perfect for portablity and usablity. They have a great chip in them (2.0 ghz dual core intel processor). They are beuatiful, and they come with the best commercial operating system avalible today, OS X.

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okay ium most likly goin'to be get a Macbook. but what modle brand and such. im lookin to spend like 1k k to 1,500 tops(maybe a little more)


macbook is a model from apple. They start at 1100.

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Unless you need it ASAP I'd hold off on that for a few months.

why would you hold off?

Newer technology coming out daily. Simple as that. I was looking for a laptop since March, and so far i've come across the new Apples, and a few other nicer ones. Its not something you want to rush because you could get stuck with something you don't like. You need to shop around first.

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Newer technology coming out daily. Simple as that. I was looking for a laptop since March, and so far i've come across the new Apples, and a few other nicer ones. Its not something you want to rush because you could get stuck with something you don't like. You need to shop around first.

thats not the reason... its because the macbook is a new product line and its a good idea to let them work the bugs out before you make the plunge... although I think I am making a purchase... tommarow...

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how much is the router and i have wireless internet in my house allready, could i use that or do i have to buy something from apple to use?

If you have wireless internet in your house already then you must have a wireless router. All you would most likely have to do is open it up and start surfing the net. It should have an intergrated wireless card in it already.

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yes, you can use aim. No, you dont HAVE to download music via iTunes, although, I would suggest it.

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I was using iTunes a lot more than anything and then I realised the absolute beauty of a premium Rapidshare account.

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i would but dont liek payin .99$ a song

whats wrong with that, the whole its legal thing?

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