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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what does everyone do for jobs?

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Im still a teenager but i work at a grocery store, its not bad at all i actually enjoy it most nights when the asshole customers arnt out. I also referee in the winter although i dont usually have a lot of time to do many games.

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havent been able to get a job since half way through the season, so now i help coach learn to play at the rink once a week, and try to get into college to play.

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Change Analyst, Banking Industry

Right now, nothing. I'm applying like crazy because I need money for gas and sticks. I think I'll end up at either Subway or Taco Bell

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I can't remember if I posted this, but I'm working in the Materials Science lab at one of the world's biggest information storage companies. Pays well and keeps me really busy so I can't complain.

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Does anyone here work in the sports and exercise science industry? I'm most likely going to college to study this field next year and would love some perspective from someone?

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Does anyone here work in the sports and exercise science industry? I'm most likely going to college to study this field next year and would love some perspective from someone?

i have a friends who's doing co-op for Toronto Football Club Academy, he wanted to be a trainer, but he's kinda specializing in ergonomics, all i know is its a lot of work and you'd prolly need a masters to just be considered for a job

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