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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blue lightspeeds

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Not from what people on here have said. Jus make sure you sand the holders before, and put multiple coats on. Polyurethane if you like, but i dont think its necessary

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what is up with u of main. First they all have blue tuuks, and I just read in another topic it says they will all but 1 player use the one90s next year.

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what is up with u of main. First they all have blue tuuks, and I just read in another topic it says they will all but 1 player use the one90s next year.

Whats wrong with that?

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what is up with u of main. First they all have blue tuuks, and I just read in another topic it says they will all but 1 player use the one90s next year.

They are a Nike school.

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what is up with u of main. First they all have blue tuuks, and I just read in another topic it says they will all but 1 player use the one90s next year.

Blue Tuuks are standard on those ;)

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Being that the Bauer headquarters is only 2.5 hours away U Maine gets alot of attention from the Bauer Rep. Their XXX lites are team colors with their names on them and their own custom curves. Oddly enough the last time I was in the locker room (sometime in Feb) it appeared that the popular pads(elbow shin shoulder) were Reebok.

From what I understand,UNH is also very heavy into Bauer equipment, they are minutes from the office.

I was able to get a few pairs of the blue Light speeds for a couple of modsquad members, but I think the supply is running thin. I have a pair of 263s that I'm saving for my son. I hope the mount is still in use when he can wear that size. He's in a 4.5 now. I'll be interested how far they go with the ls2 powers.

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LS2 steel fits into any lightspeed holder. It will not fit into custom+'s. The blue LS weren't made specifically for Maine, Gretzky had them at the Heritage Classic a few years ago I believe, and they were an option when I ordered my custom XXX's last year.

do any shop owners, or anyone for that matter, know if blue tuuks are still a custom option??

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I never knew it was. I was under the impression it was a special makeup for Gretz as he was probably the first to wear it. I'm guessing they probably dumped the rest on UMaine.

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Hey you guys are lucky over the pond there.

We can never get hold of any products like the blue l/s holders, or anything else for that matter here in the UK.

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