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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Heel slipping

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The skate i am having issues with is the rbk 9k pump. I know i have the right size for the skate, as I had gotten sized up for them at a LHS. When I skated for the first two times with the skate i didnt really notice anything and they felt good, but when i came of the ice and started walking on the rubber floor i noticed some heel slipping when i walked. I've never had this problem with my previous skates(xx, synergy 1300, xxx). Could it be that my heels are to narrow for the boot? Or will the heel area of the skate form to my foot when i break them in? Thanks.

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Nope, went from 04 Synergys > RBK 9K & Custom Synergy 04.

No the pump doesnt deflate, its an air tight, vacuum sealed bag.

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but isn't the pump there to help hold your heel in place?

Yeah part of it..as well as other things, but if the heel is too narrow for the heel of the skate it will still slip. All you can do is make sure to kick your heel back and tie them up nice and tight. Maybe wear some thicker heel socks.

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but isn't the pump there to help hold your heel in place?

Yeah part of it..as well as other things, but if the heel is too narrow for the heel of the skate it will still slip. All you can do is make sure to kick your heel back and tie them up nice and tight. Maybe wear some thicker heel socks.

can you reccomend some thick heel socks?

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Thick heel socks please

I use the Underarmor performance grey socks. They have pretty thick heels(almost like cushion) that are pretty nice. Just go buy a couple pairs for cheap at TJ Maxx or some store like that.

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This year I skated in 8K's and the same thing happened to me, I could feel it slip while walking on the rubber but while skating it didn't move at all. So I didn't bother doing anything because if it's just slipping while your walking it isn't that big of a deal because you skate in the ice :P.

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Take them back to the shop where you bought them and put them in the CCM FIT machine. It may help mold to your heel a little better.

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