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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sticks of Fury

Bauer XIX or XIV skates

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A hockey guy recommended I get the Bauer XIX or the XIV's skates because he felt that I would have more agility on them. He is a really good skater and it looks like his skates are glued to the ice. He wears Bauer XX's.

Also, getting older and slower. :(

Please give me your experience with these skates.


Maybe my final pair I buy.

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my dads friends has tha XIX skate. He loves them. He said that they were really comfortable and protective.

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XIX's are my current skate and I like them a lot. Make sure you try some on first though... they're kinda narrow.

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A hockey guy recommended I get the Bauer XIX or the XIV's skates because he felt that I would have more agility on them. He is a really good skater and it looks like his skates are glued to the ice. He wears Bauer XX's.

Also, getting older and slower. :(

Please give me your experience with these skates.


Maybe my final pair I buy.

With all the durability questions surrounding the Vapors, it probably wouldn't be your last pair you buy..

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They are buildt to perform, but unfortunately not to last...

If you want skates that will last you a lifetime, i'd say go for the CCM Pro Tacks (if they fit your foot) they are buildt like TANKS!

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