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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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iDont Website

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Have you guys ever heard of this website?

Just read it and they tell us all to be individuals and dont buy ipods. However how are we supposed to be individuals when they are telling us what to do, sounds to me like someone or somepersons have a hate toward apple, and are just being jackasses about it.

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Reminds me of the 80's when Punk was a big thing. Punks always proclaimed they dressed the way they did because they wanted to individualistic and didn't care what they looked like, yet they all dressed the same and seemed to care more about their appearances than anyone else.

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Umm is the link idont.com? Wanna give a link maybe.


wow, the person who made the website must not have an ipod

Ya think?

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If I remember well it's a company who is also selling mp3 players who started it up. Sandisk.

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Look guys this is kinda stupid. Click around the site, it's a marketing gimick for yet another "iPod killer" in this case, I think Sandisk. More marketing hype, I think I'll go barf now.

This has nothing to do with punks beating up people they labeled as "conformists" in the 80's (although I do remember thinking that was a little ... ironic). It's all about someone figuring out how to get people's attention. And then your money.

And he was darn sucessful with all of us.

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