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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Like JR said, you make everyone including the crowd think you're going one way, and then *slip* you've gone around him the other way. Usually invovles smooth hands, can sometimes be a toe drag or a heel drag, or a flick between the legs, but the actual impementation of a dangle is less important than it's effect.

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I'm guessing that question came from Don Cherry 17 where he explains that it's when a guy skates really fast end to end around guys for those who have seen it. No clue what he's talking about, but decent video, sadly missing some of my favorite goals.

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ya it was always explained to me like the puck is a pinata being 'dangled' for the other player to hit, when they go for it, you 'deke' it around them. i dont know if i made that clear enuff, but you should get the point.

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The pinata inference is because for it to look like a proper dangle, the guy has to stab at it with what ends up looking like a goofy poke check, like a blindfolded guy with a bat going for a pinata.

P.S. Don Cherry has the best explanation, and if i recall correctly, the context was Crosby's goal from behind the net while he was playing for Rimouski. His conclusion was that a "dangle" is all the things I have said so far, as well as being typically unecessary and more of a showmanship thing. Interestingly, grapes didn't directly criticize Crosby for doing his "dangle" on the show.

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