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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate fitting question.

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I wear Vector 6.0's size 7D. I got size 7's because my last skates were a size 7. I have room in the toe and round the front of the skate.

Like I said, Im thinking about getting new skates. I've tried on 6.5's and they fit with my toe just barely touching the front.

Question, should I go for those?

What are the pros of getting a skate that fits like that?

Every once in a while I feel like my foot is sliding around in my skates making me loose an edge.


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When I purchase skates, I always buy them so that when I stand my toes feather the toecap. My current pair of skates I bought a little roomier than what I am used to, and although my foot doesn't slip around, I find that my skating is a little sloppier. I demoed some other skates that were tighter lengthwise, and I noticed my strides seemed smoother and I felt I was stronger on my feet.

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In the heel they fit fine on one foot. I have narrow heels, which CCM has in their skates.

I tighten my skates loose at the bottom, tight through the middle and because of the lacelock I wear them loose through the top so I get a good knee bend.

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Go down to the 6.5

Will it be a problem with shot blocking?

I've gone through waaaaaaaay too many skates and I broke my last pair before these Vectors when I blocked a shot and it took off the front of my skate.

I just don't want to break a toe or anything.

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I'd get the 6.5's so long as they're wide enough, and if they felt a little too tight after breaking them in, you can always have them stretched a little bit to make them perfect. You can't shrink skates that are too big, but you can stretch them if they're slightly too small. Plus, baking them will also make them fit a little differently.

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If you're worried about breaking your toes, get a different skate. (Kor!)

I honestly have never been hurt in the toes, as long as you don't run straight into the boards you shouldn't have a problem. And I've probably blocked more shots that you have.

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yeah id go down the half size because when you heat them your foot will come back and if u take a shot in the toe there will be less vibration effect because the boots more filled

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Looks like Im back to square one.

The places I have called are either

a) all out of the vector Pros

B) out of the pros in my size

c) out of the 7.0 in my size, though they have them in a 6.5 E.

Should I go for the 6.5 E (I wear a 7 D) or (if people here are willing to help li'l ole me) get some via the internet.


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Vectors have a narrow heel alrighty. I would go with the 6.5E.

I've always worn the 10D in Vectors, and this winter an old guy was looking at the wear patterns on several of my insole inserts, and said I would be better off with a 9.5E. I got them like that at it was PERFECT.

I would say you're in the same situation. Try a Vector a half size smaller, with a wider size. P.S. Have you considered Kors? I know you're playing some defence now, and the advantages to Kors are HUGE.

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Vectors have a narrow heel alrighty. I would go with the 6.5E.

I've always worn the 10D in Vectors, and this winter an old guy was looking at the wear patterns on several of my insole inserts, and said I would be better off with a 9.5E. I got them like that at it was PERFECT.

I would say you're in the same situation. Try a Vector a half size smaller, with a wider size. P.S. Have you considered Kors? I know you're playing some defence now, and the advantages to Kors are HUGE.

Right now I'm checking my options. I should be getting my commission pay soon enough to fund my gear-whoreness.

Like I said, I've grown up in CCMs.

Kors would be great to try. Bauers have never fit my feet so I don't even want to try them.

I tried Missions once upon a blue moon and snapped them. But then again they were the Bettyfly weights so that could be it. I was thinking about looking at a one of the new ones.

I've also had problems with Nikes as they hurt my feet and gave me hardcore blisters.

Never tried Eastons though....

Any suggestions?

Thanks again guys!

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Like I said, I've grown up in CCMs.

Bauers have never fit my feet so I don't even want to try them.

I've also had problems with Nikes as they hurt my feet and gave me hardcore blisters.

Well, if it aint broken, why fix it? I would never change, but that's just me...

Go with the smaller (6.5) size if possible because as they break in, they will get bigger but never smaller. They can allways be streched for length or punched if you have any hot spots...

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