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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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PSP and Phone Help

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Can anyone at all help me with my LG VX8100 cell phone and PSP?

Can anyone tell me how to get my own music as ringtones on my 8100 and does anyone know how to put Torrent files on to the PSP and make them work?

for some reason, nothing works for me. I need someones HELP!!!


P.S. Does anyone know how to get emulators and ROMs up and running on the PSP? Or If anyone knows any sites that would help please let me know

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Can anyone tell me how to get my own music as ringtones on my 8100

Yeah, buy them from you're provider.

and does anyone know how to put Torrent files on to the PSP and make them work?

That's not happening. Torrent files are nothing but files that connect you to others. You're download has to be fully completed then put on the memory card.

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Well the phone has bluetooth, so if your computer or laptop has bluetooth built in, u can transfer your songs straight from your computer to your phone. If your computer doesnt have bluetooth built in, you can get an adapter for around $30 U.S.

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well no bluetooth on the computer

does anyone have a detailed step-by-step on how to do this since I have found ways but they do not colaborate on how to do it

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