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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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There are people who don't even speak one word of english who visit this site.

And most of them are Americans ;)

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I think I´ve seen one of his older Synergy´s and it was pretty much like a Modano retail with a little more loft towards the toe.

Edit: Didn´t see Whbd18´s post......pretty much what he said

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There are people who don't even speak one word of english who visit this site.

And most of them are Americans ;)


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There are people who don't even speak one word of english who visit this site.

And most of them are Americans ;)


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That was soooo funny you Canucks!!! You guys are sooo funny!!!

Um... Chadd and whbd18 are both American...

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That was soooo funny you Canucks!!! You guys are sooo funny!!!

Um... Chadd and whbd18 are both American...

Well im technically 1/4 french canadian ;)

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There are people who don't even speak one word of english who visit this site.

And most of them are Americans ;)

And some of those would tell you they speak American.

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There are people who don't even speak one word of english who visit this site.

And most of them are Americans ;)

And some of those would tell you they speak American.

You ruined it dude ;)

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