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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Blades

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should be just an 05 closeout vs an 06 current product

closeout and the first link describes the Vaper 10 (X) shaft while the second link has the correct description.

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i dont know the difference in terms of technology, but one is 'holdfast' which i believe is bauers version of si-core and the 'wavebridge' is more a classic bauer technology from the tri flex gold, nike quest, and some vapor xx sticks

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i dont know the difference in terms of technology, but one is 'holdfast' which i believe is bauers version of si-core and the 'wavebridge' is more a classic bauer technology from the tri flex gold, nike quest, and some vapor xx sticks

zoom in on the pisture of the first blade. it says wavebridge. the first link described the Vaper 10 (X) shaft.

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i dont know the difference in terms of technology, but one is 'holdfast' which i believe is bauers version of si-core and the 'wavebridge' is more a classic bauer technology from the tri flex gold, nike quest, and some vapor xx sticks

zoom in on the pisture of the first blade. it says wavebridge. the first link described the Vaper 10 (X) shaft.

You mean that blade doesn't really have a wheelbarrow handle, double concave dimensions, and variable flex technology? Damn, sounded so good. :P

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i dont know the difference in terms of technology, but one is 'holdfast' which i believe is bauers version of si-core and the 'wavebridge' is more a classic bauer technology from the tri flex gold, nike quest, and some vapor xx sticks

zoom in on the pisture of the first blade. it says wavebridge. the first link described the Vaper 10 (X) shaft.

You mean that blade doesn't really have a wheelbarrow handle, double concave dimensions, and variable flex technology? Damn, sounded so good. :P

That's a dealbreaker.

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