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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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r2xn10 int. shaft

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thanks. I have an r2 xn10 intermediate shaft and an r2 senior blade and im having a little trouble getting it in. any suggestions? should i heat them both a bit longer?

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thanks. I have an r2 xn10 intermediate shaft and an r2 senior blade and im having a little trouble getting it in. any suggestions? should i heat them both a bit longer?

jsut be carefull not to overheat them.

What are you using to heat them up? i always use a heat gun, and it works great. just heat up the blade and shaft for 30 seconds - 1 min each, and slide it in.

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is there anything i can do to help it go in...like shave it a little or something? cause ive tried to push it in and its definately not going in

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That's weird doesn't the R2 have one of the thinner hosels compared to other blades? I fit a XV and Inno blade in my R2xn10 int with no problems. Maybe go ask your LHS to give you a hand?

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The int. is a little under 48" w/o the plug. And yeah I have a senior R2 blade in my int. xn10, and it took a good effort to get it in there, but it does fit. I was jumping up and down putting all my weight onto it, then i had my friend slam the blade onto the floor many many times before it finally went in completely.

However I would like to hear you junior blade attempt, as I wouldn't mind saving a little money getting JR blades for the shaft if they do fit..

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