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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ccm stuart

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its definitely a higher lie, ive used it. its also slightly different in terms of the curve. maybe less open? hard to describe, but its definitely not the same, similar with a higher lie.

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nope defiantly not a lidstrom....but like he said the closest thing to a modano, honestly if you like a modano pattern a stuart will do you fine...

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is the Stuart the same as the old Kaberle ?

if it is then its definitely not a Forsberg/Modano clone either.

I use the Kaberle and its a pretty deep heel curve with a squarish toe.

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is the Stuart the same as the old Kaberle ?

if it is then its definitely not a Forsberg/Modano clone either.

I use the Kaberle and its a pretty deep heel curve with a squarish toe.

No, it's the closest they have to a modano but with a higher lie.

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is the Stuart the same as the old Kaberle ?

if it is then its definitely not a Forsberg/Modano clone either.

I use the Kaberle and its a pretty deep heel curve with a squarish toe.

No, it's the closest they have to a modano but with a higher lie.

yep exact clone of modano/forsberg.........100% sure its not a keberle clone :rolleyes:

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like i posted before - and ive used them both - its very similar to the modano in pattern, but not the same. its also definitely a higher lie. its not the kaberle. its not a lidstrom. its very similar to a modo with a higher lie.

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I saw the Stuart curve at my LHS last night and it is not the same as the Kaberle.

It is pretty similar to the Modano/Forberg curve.

Does anyone know what the replacement to the Kaberle curve is now for CCM ?

I thought it was a pretty good curve.

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