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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CNT Z-carb or Ak27 blade

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I wasn't impressed with the ak27. Felt kinda dead to me. I love the CNT blade on my stealth though so i would go with that.

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is this new CNT blade more durable than the old focus flex blades? if so than it should be great but if its anything like the old focus flex blades, than it is just garbage (durability wise)

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i don kno if the synergy II and the CNT z-carbon are realted, but my synergy II blade went soft in less than 3 weeks so hope thats of some help.

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i don kno if the synergy II and the CNT z-carbon are realted, but my synergy II blade went soft in less than 3 weeks so hope thats of some help.

Synergy II is not a CNT blade.

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Yeah I don't know why Easton didn't make the Syn. II blades CNT. The CNT stays stiffer far longer. My CNT blade on my stealth which seems to be the same kind of CNT in the Zcarbon blades(same thickness, etc) has held up better than any comp. blade I have had, so hopefully you should find it to last longer than the older ones.

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