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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Vapor XI

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I know I have complained about these skates.

I have had them about a year and a half and am not really sure I bought the right skate. I did not bake them when I bought them...

Would baking them help now or are they as fitted to my feet as they'll get.

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There are two issues.....

1.) On my left skate, if I tie my skates and play for like an hour when I take the skates off my first two toes are numb. I played last night and the toes are a bit sore (but not bad.)

2.) On my right skate, my heal features a huge blister. This has been consistently there and does not really hurt anymore.

I was really wondering if at some point I put I different skate on, tied them the way I like and everything would be all comfortable?

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It just sounds like you weren't fitted correctly at your LHS.

As for your left skate, try not lacing them so tight down on the foot area and tightening them up around your ankles.

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In defense of my LHS, they were not sure what I needed and they are my first pair. After purchasing them, I realized that Vapors were made for thin feet with a little instep.

I just have been seeing the Bauer 8090s going for well less than what they have been and a major step up in quality, but I guess I was wondering if having new skates would specifically address the problems I have been having

or if the problem is how I tie them.

I realize I would be the only person to know....

At any rate, I appreciate the feedback.

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For your numb two toes, Do you think the toe cap is too small and your toes are against the toe cap or they are just feathering the top cap?

For your heel with the blister, you could wear nylon stocking socks underneath your normal socks. If you still get blisters. Is this the famous Bauer Bump?

For 8090's, you need wide feet, with a large instep and have an arch for a D width. Check the reviews on the skates again to be sure.

Did you get the Vapors in D or EE width?

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its in your heel. bone spur i think? but maybe since you;ve had them for a yr and a half theyre finished? a vapor XI isnt stiff to begin with, and after 1.5 yrs, id say they're done

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As a followup...

My first toe on my left foot does not hurt, but looks destroyed.....

its the first time this has happened.

I would post pics, but you might all be grossed out by me foot.


I was wondering if I should wrap my toe in gauze and tape it with hockey tape.

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A little off topic, but there is no need to start a new topic.

I have a problem with Vapors, not so much a problem with the skates as it is bad timing. I have a tournament this weekend, but I'm missing out on tomorrow's game since it is my brother's graduation ceremony. But anyways, on with the problem. I put on my skates (Vapor XIX's) and my toes (well, my big toe and my second toe) were right on pthe toecap. Not feathering it, they were really touching it a lot. I walked around in my skates for about 10 minutes, and my toes hurt a little bit, but I'm sure that after an entire game they will be throbbing. There is no way I'm going to be able to get a new pair before my game on Saturday since it's at 7:30 and it would take awhile to get new skates. So, my question to you guys is, how am I going to be able to keep my toes after my game on Saturday morning? Take out the insole, go without a sock, cut off a little bit of each of my toes? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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try wearing a verythin sock like an under armor sock or an easton synergy skate sock.

maybe try it on also with a thicker sock at the toe, it could give you more protection fro rubbing.

when im playing and something happens, like when i play with broken fingers or somethin, i dont feel it when im on the ice, just when im on the bench or after. if there is a long intermission, take your skate off. it could help.

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A little off topic, but there is no need to start a new topic.

I have a problem with Vapors, not so much a problem with the skates as it is bad timing. I have a tournament this weekend, but I'm missing out on tomorrow's game since it is my brother's graduation ceremony. But anyways, on with the problem. I put on my skates (Vapor XIX's) and my toes (well, my big toe and my second toe) were right on pthe toecap. Not feathering it, they were really touching it a lot. I walked around in my skates for about 10 minutes, and my toes hurt a little bit, but I'm sure that after an entire game they will be throbbing. There is no way I'm going to be able to get a new pair before my game on Saturday since it's at 7:30 and it would take awhile to get new skates. So, my question to you guys is, how am I going to be able to keep my toes after my game on Saturday morning? Take out the insole, go without a sock, cut off a little bit of each of my toes? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I don't know if it would work but if you have a low arch, try to buy some insoles that have a higher arch. This may pull your toes a bit in as it will force you to 'arch' your feet more. May hurt your arches a bit but saves your toes.

If your toe nails are in the way, cut them even more....

Maybe try to put some soft foam at your toe caps so your toes won't be against something hard.

Try to cut off some insoles for your midfoot area so your foot (balls of your feet ) rest higher in the boot and gives your toes some room.

*All these are from the top of my head so they are not really thought out that well.


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As a followup...

My first toe on my left foot does not hurt, but looks destroyed.....

its the first time this has happened.

I would post pics, but you might all be grossed out by me foot.


I was wondering if I should wrap my toe in gauze and tape it with hockey tape.

Your toes must be against the toe cap if your toes are getting sore. You need a bigger sized skate.

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would that help?

It has never been this bad where my toe was all bruised.

I remember feeling some discomfort, but did not expect this...


Tape my ankles because the boot is not stiff enough, or tape period?

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