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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tapered blades

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I play roller 3-4 times a week and i want to find wood tapered blade that will last longer than 2 months, which wood tapered blades do use guys use:

1 which one

2 how long does it stay stiff

3 price

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Sounds like a tall order. I find the wood blades get torn up much faster than composites.

They say to take the tape off the blade after each use to keep it from getting soft, but that applies to ice, probably not roller.

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I used to use Mission either blades. They were pretty light and held up really well. They don't make them anymore but you can get limited curves at some on line sites and I've seen some on Ebay.

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I used the 7500 wood blade, worked pretty well with me, didn't splinter but broke in like a month. It was about 17 bucks (I think - don't quote me) a pop.

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i use my christian tapered woods for outdoor shooting, im still on the same blade 3 weeks in at 3-4x a week. i dont about the softness when im shooting, but i can tell you the bottom has hardly worn down, and i dont do that single strip first

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I suggest Mission Ether too. They are super cheap at Hockeymonkey.com and the PRT (pic is wrong on the site) have a urethane edge for extended wear. They are about average in stiffness and weight but definitly worth $5 a pop - if nothing else then to give your "good" blades a break.

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