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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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my brother has found a steal on some vector pros. we both have questions about the holder and steel. do the holes on the holder and or boot line up with any other holder on the market right now. also for those of you that have used the 'scalloped' steel has anyone had any durability issues, thank you.

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I've had a pair of Vectors with the scalloped steel for a year and a half now without any problems. They also do a good job of holding an edge.

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I agree with donkey87. I've had my protacks for about 6 months, and I have no complaints about the scalloped steel. The steel holds an edge better than my old prolite 3s and my Graf Cobra blades. I've had a few pucks hit my skate blades (<sarcasm> my team's really good at passing...</sarcasm>) without a problem. I'm not sure about the holes lining up though. If you're used to Tuuks or whatever, I've seen plenty of Vectors with LS1 and LS2 holders on them.

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Guy on my team broke 3 blades of non-scalloped steel in 3 weeks this season.

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