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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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eaton sticks

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has anyonelse noticed that easton is now made chins. last year they were made in mexico. i know that bauer is now made in china where as they made in mexico last year. so could it be said that inno also made easton's sticks as well as bauers?

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Um, no...Easton has a factory in Tijuana.

They are not making all of the sticks in China. The lower-end and replacement blades are made there.

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i won't arguee with you. you win. i was at the rochester store and saw "made in china" on some so i assumed the ywere all made there.

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You went to that dump? Or Summit Roch?

summit not that other store at the onyx. i have not been there since you left.

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it can also depend on how busy there factory in tijuana is they may have to have a few sticks made over in china because of a sudden rise in demand for them

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