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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shoulder Pads for a Skinny Person

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i need shoulder pads, and i am skinny. it is hard to find shoulder pads that fit well. my lhs isnt worth going to as they dont have protective equipment.

any suggestions?

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I would buy the kind that have hard plastic chest all around. It might be a little big on you, but it will make you look huge and people won't run you over as much. I'm thinking the Louisville Flexor stuff and the BIG hard shell Jofa stuff.

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Just fit yourself into a pair of middle of the line Jofa/Reebok shoulder pads and you'll be fine.

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i need shoulder pads, and i am skinny. it is hard to find shoulder pads that fit well. my lhs isnt worth going to as they dont have protective equipment.

any suggestions?

Ignore these unhelpful knuckleheads. :P

How skinny are you? I'm 5'10"/130 (soaking wet), so I'm pretty skinny. I'm using a Medium pair of the Bauer 300 shoulder pads, and they fit fine. Depending on how broad your shoulders are you might drop down to the Small. If the 300 aren't protective enough, you might try the 400 or 4000, I would think they'd fit similarly.

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im thinking the nike shoulder pads may be good

yea thats what i was thinking.

i dont get run over at all, usually i do the running over. im 5'6 1/2 105 pound swhen getting out of the pool.

i am gianing weight, by working out for muscle mass and eating a little better, and a lot more meat.

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Nice to know I'm not the only reallly skinnny guy around :P

Looks like the Bauers might do the trick for me whenI upgrade my gear over the summer...they seem to be a bit narrower than other pads, but then agian might be the pic.

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