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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I have to read a book called Angelas Ashes for grade 12 english. Its such a bad book. I swear an 8 year old wrote it. No quotation marks or anything. Is the author retarded or what? I hate how so many things that suck are "So amazing" in the world. Sometimes I just dont understand whats so great about some of this stuff the schools make us study.

You don't have to follow proper grammar in a novel. Just read Blood Meridian. Amazing book with incredible language and tons of dialogue, but not one quote.

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The worst book I ever read was probably The Red Badge of Courage (AP English summer reading). Absolutely terrible. I didn't think it was possible to make a Civil War story so incredibly boring, but Mr. Stephen Crane did it.

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Moore is a frecking dumbass.

I really respect your opinion; it reflects you are highly capable of being a critic of literature based on your fine vocabulary and spelling accuracy. I take it you haven’t read his books, I do find some of his stuff controversial, however, he does raise some good points.

At first, I thought Moore was very clever. But, apparently, a lot of his evidence is not correct, and he leaves out details. An example of this is in Bowling for Columbine: the video of Charleton Heston talking at the "NRA meeting right after the shooting" is actually a couple months after. Hes very entertaining though.

As for my favourite authors, I've recently read Great Expectations, and I think that Dickens is a great author. Besides Dickens, I like Orwell, and the Harry Potter books:p

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