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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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which one is the best?

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They'd let her bring it on the plane for sure, but i wouldnt suggest it. Not only would the stick be exposed to pretty extreme conditions, but the airlines treat everything like junk.  Ive had sticks, skates and tons of equipment damaged when flying. 

(Thats why when we fly places now, we send a van with our team's gear.)

oh i dont care about how they treat it....can you wrap it in like bubble wrap or something or would they say no?

I would care about how they treat it. When I lived in the Channel Islands and was moving back to Ireland I bought myself a custom longboard, 10' 2'' with gorilla grips and just a beautiful board. I wrapped it in bubble wrap, put a tomato box on the fins and put it into an extra padded board bag, and they still managed to break it.

Now, I got reimbursed, but thats not the point, I wanted this board, it was a custom board (not custom for me but could have been), that I was able to get for way less than it was worth, and was worth more than the money to me.

I had to go buy a regular board with my money, because there is only one shaper in Ireland I trust, and at the time, couldn't afford his stuff.

So, unless you are prepared to buy a stick, and not use it, I would very much care about how they treat it

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I have purchased many things from the US and if I use the United States Postal Service (USPS) I have never paid a brokrage fee, just the GST and it works great.

Avoid the shipping companies. They farm out the brokrage at the border and it is expensive.

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