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Using Lax gear for hockey

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I've been looking at some Lax gear and was wondering if anybody has used it for hockey. The shoulder and elbow pads look like they would work fine, anyone?

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I started using lacrosse gloves recently and my hands are getting killed. I think I'll use them for practices only.

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Lax gloves have mesh in the palms. Bad idea.

Lax shoulder pads are lighter and have less padding, the arm pads are different, they can be really flimsy or they can be really well padded.

My brother uses his lax arm pads for hockey.

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ive used the shoulder pads on numerous occasions, even in full contact leagues. as far as gloves go there are no poly inserts and your wrists will get killed. and for the record my team issued lax gloves have nash palms. the rib pads work nice too. the only reason i think the arm guards wouldnt fly is because they are less padded and you'll notice that most of the protection is for the 'elbow' side or outside of your arm, nothing much on 'top' side, if you will

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no, but ive seen lax players using hockey equipment. it must be b/c hockey is superior to lax in every aspect..... ;)

(i play lax but i like hockey a lot more)

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I had some brine shoulders for a while..but found some old school ice ones that have a little more plastic in the right areas and the shoulders don't stretch out and keep the shape for longer than my lax ones did in my experience

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