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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I just bought myself a new Xbox 360 and a bunch of games (while taking alot of grief from the girlfriend). To me video games are an escape and a cheap way to waste away a boring night if there's nothing else going on. Whenever I'm not on the rink or working, I'm usually playing something online. I still play halo 2 religiously, but have been dipping into Call of Duty 2, Burnout Revenge, and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. If there's any fellow gamers on the ol' MSH, send a friend request to Gamertag - "nebraska38" especially for halo 2.

Is there anything anyone else would recommend for gaming? I also have a PS2 but I only got one for Resident Evil 4. I heard Resident Evil 5 is gonna be on 360 so Sony will become dead to me. What do you look forward to playing?

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NHL 2K7. :D I play a S---load of NHL 2K6. It's a shame 'cause I got Perfect Dark Zero, Call of Duty 2, Top Spin 2, Dead or Alive 4 pretty much collectin' dust.

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I got Fifa Soccer and that game just collects dust. The graphics are amazing....but it's soccer. I look at soccer as a game for kids who can't skate. lol. Tony Hawk American Wasteland was kinda boring but Burnout is fun. Gears of War and Halo 3 are on my wish list. I have NCAA 07 paid for already, so I'm just waiting for it to ship to my local GameStop.

Is 2K6 fun on the 360? I heard it's mostly like the original xbox version, so i decided to hold off until 07 comes out.

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i love my xbox 180. thats right, 180 ;) . its great. dont have xbox live though, but i still love playin halo and halo 2, nhl 2k6, nascar 06, ncaa 06 basketball, ncaa06 football, need for speed, midnight club 3. etc

incase you are still wondering my xbox 180 is just a normal xbox. i dubbed the xbox 180 to feel special:D

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Never been much of a gamer but that 360 almost is worth getting. I saw some kid playing fight night 3 on it with an HD TV at best buy and the graphics were just ridiculous!

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Well i played Greg Hastings tourny paintball maxd everyday untill i decided to get rid of my Xbox to buy a 360 with games. Now I play Fight Night, Most Wanted, Quake4, and table tennis. Ill play halo2 once in a while if im in the mood to play it. My gamertag is cmac9123 if anyone wants it.

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GHTP is sick man i love that game. You have the rockstar games table tennis one? I saw that is it actually fun...seems like it would be a bit boring...

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Yea table tennis is a good game just to pick up and play for a lil bit when you are bored. The career, which isnt really a carrer at all gets boring some times its impossible to beat someone. I really wish they had a create-a-player mode someting along the lines of top spin where you can practice to get better each week or enter a tourny, and equipment like tiger woods where the certian equipment you have effects your play. But i really dont care, i like it at its base and online is fun. GHTP is one of my favorite games ever i was one in the top ranked team for the longest time. All i did was play that game at night. Wow i still wish i had that game. <_<

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