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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I needed a wallet quick so I made one out of clear packing tape almost a year ago. Its still going strong, but I think its about time for me to get a real one.

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Got a nice Fossil set with clip and wallet. Use the clip when I don't need to carry all my stuff, like when heading to church or something...plus sitting on a wallet with dress pants on isn't comfy. Fossil wallet is solid, and the set was only like $20.

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- Leather Buxton from Walmart

- Velcro Independant

- Velcro Volcom

- Velcro Billabong

Those in that order, still can't find a velcro one I like so it is back to the Buxton.

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Check out the Jimi. It's compact, hold just enough - not for those that love saving receipts, coupons, etc. and have a discount card for every store they visit. It can be popped apart to be used as a money clip/card holder for light weight in the pocket on a night out.

I've had mine for over a year, still looks good.


I just bought one. Thanks for the link. B)

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I carry a purse. It holds so much, it's great. When people make fun of me, I just tell them I'm holding it for my girlfriend. After all, why would I carry a bright pink purse for myself? Fools them everytime.

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There's some nice ones at Wal-Mart. I got a Tri-Fold Italian leather one a few months ago when I lost my old one. I think the brand was George... It's pretty nice and was only like $15.

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I carry a purse.  It holds so much, it's great.  When people make fun of me, I just tell them I'm holding it for my girlfriend.  After all, why would I carry a bright pink purse for myself?  Fools them everytime.

Are you joking around?

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I carry a purse. It holds so much, it's great. When people make fun of me, I just tell them I'm holding it for my girlfriend. After all, why would I carry a bright pink purse for myself? Fools them everytime.

Yeah dude i hope your joking to...if you arent thats really scary.

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hehe.. wont be the first guy i know carrying a purse. I know a guy who carries one too, and he's got all sorts of shit in it, scissors, nail clipper... bloody boy scout

as for me, i've been carrying a namecard holder for a long time... maybe 5 years. Just a few credit cards, and folded notes. thats it, no reciepts or anything

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Check out the Jimi.  It's compact, hold just enough - not for those that love saving receipts, coupons, etc. and have a discount card for every store they visit.  It can be popped apart to be used as a money clip/card holder for light weight in the pocket on a night out.

I've had mine for over a year, still looks good.


I just bought one. Thanks for the link. B)

did you get yours? What color did you get and how do you like it?

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