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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blades with rockers

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How long did it take you guys to adjust coming from a flat bottom blade? I am having a little trouble, but its getting better. I cant seem to keep the puck on the heel all the time without it sliding (Im using a sakic)

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How long did it take you guys to adjust coming from a flat bottom blade? I am having a little trouble, but its getting better. I cant seem to keep the puck on the heel all the time without it sliding (Im using a sakic)

I just switched to P92 from P88 and the rocker is giving me quite a trouble too...stick handling is definitely better with flat ones

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maybe i'm crazy, but i think the rocker makes it easier to turn on the backhand.

if it slips under the heel, you need to roll your wrists more to get more blade on the ice.

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How long did it take you guys to adjust coming from a flat bottom blade? I am having a little trouble, but its getting better. I cant seem to keep the puck on the heel all the time without it sliding (Im using a sakic)

I just switched to P92 from P88 and the rocker is giving me quite a trouble too...stick handling is definitely better with flat ones

stick handling is definitely better with flat ones

well if you handle the puck in the same place everytime and dont do forehand spinoffs, toe drags etc, then I would have to agree.

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