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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest johnstern

Money for driving. I'm wondered....

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Guest johnstern

Hi! I have read livejournals of different people and found one interesting post.

The main idea is that a lot of companies pays for driving their cars or sponsors your car.

I think, it's great!!! You can do your daily driving tasks and earn money!!! You can easily compensate car costs(fuel, etc.)

You can read details in this blog:

What do you think about it???

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The link is dead.

Years ago, the radio station I worked for had offered $300 a month to anyone who would "letter" their personal vehicle. At the time, the car I was buying was going to be $335 a month, so I figured that's a great idea. When I was settting up insurance on the vehicle, they asked business vehicle or personal. I said "personal" but I told them that I was going to have a logo on it, but that the vehicle remianed mine for personal use, and that the company was not using it as a fleet vehicle. She told me that I couldn't be insured as a personal vehicle. So, I got smart ass...."what if I say personal, and get the logo anyways?". She said if I was in an accident, they would deny me coverage.

So, I didn't take the deal from the station...but (as my brother asked me later) what would stop Joe Super fan of the station from lettering up his vehicle on his own? Would that still be considered a Personal vehicle...?

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1 post and it's spam - I smell a Troll mods...probably why the link is 'suspended'

spam, for sure :rolleyes:

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I probably shouldn't post the link here.. I would be doing what the OP is and I think its agains the rules.. Check you PM box.

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