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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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blade question

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i just bought a $40 sher-wood woodie... three slapshots later, a huge chunk (about 1cm high by 8cm long) on the backhand side of the toe at the bottom of the blade is missing/sheared off.

is this thing totally shot?? i mean can i expect to take a pass and it just explode or what?? i wish it was a stealth, i could get a replacement.

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It sure weakens your blade quite a bit I'm sure. You may be ok taking passes but don't think your blade will last much longer if you bloke as slap shot with it or even from water getting in the blade each game because of the accumulation of snow/ice/water. Have you tried taking it back? Seems to me that it is a default of some sort. I mean, wooden stick and blades usually wear off faster than your average composite stick and blade, but three slapshots?

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Yeh i've heard or defects in the grain of the wood that can shorten the life of a blade it might be that.

Yeh if the blade doesnt bend like a banana then it should be good to go and the only thing i think that will really break it is on another one of those slapshots

Are you playing outdoor or is this ice?

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this was ice. no the blade is still nice and stiff, so i guess it will be okay... i don't take too many slappers anyway.

i had three guys in front of the net, this slapper sure cleared them out efficiently... goalie gave up a nice rebound and winger snapped it top shelf.

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