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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Somehow, something got on my computer. Certain words (money,conference,computer, at ton of them) are backgrounded in yellow, and when the mouse hovers over them this thing pops up with links you can click on. Its so annoying. I also think it is affecting my cookies or something cause I am constantly having to log back in to websites and message boards that I never had to before, unless I accidently changed some setting on my computer. I ran ad-aware 6.0 and they went away for about 2 hours, or less, but now they're back. Heres a link to a screenshot with the words highlighted, and if it would help anyone i can take a print of what happens when the mouse hovers over the word that is highlighted.


If anyone knows what this is or how I can get rid of it please help me. I have searched my C:/ folders to try to find folder that sounded like they didnt belong and I used add/remove programs to delete stuff I didnt recognize but to no avail.

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As I stated I did try Ad-Aware (suggested by Kobe) and it went away for awhile. I am pretty sure I am not agreeing to anything that would come up on my screen to have that thing come back onto my PC. I will try spybot in the morning.

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Sorry I lost track during the part where you were complaining about cookies. I'd keep track and see if any particular website causes the problem.

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man that sux, don't you just hate it, it seems those things are everywhere.

does firewall help keep those things out?

all i can suggest is adaware every few hourse


mayber try zonealarm fire wall to block it out

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If you have a broadband connection and no firewall, you're going to get a ton of stuff like that on your PC.

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Unless the firewall software has an adware blocking component (which I doubt), it won't help.

Ad-Aware Pro (i think it costs $25) will prevent adware/spyware from getting loaded on your system (insted of just finding it after). I also remember a free adware blocker, but I can't find the link. I'll post it when I find it.

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That really sucks, if you have an P2P file sharing network, that may be the cause because many dowloads can result in virues like Kazza and other stuff like that, sometimes that happens when you visit naughty sites, the internet is growing worst by the second so you gotta be very careful and be aware of what you are doing at all times, you might have clicked: "agree" to something that does that. Try going into "Tool" on the top on your tool bar and just go through every section to see what is checked off, another thing you can try is to use Ad-Ware then quickly turn on a fire wall/anti spam/anti virus and see after the 2 hour period if that thing is still around. A sure fire way to get rid of it is reinstalling windows which is proablly more trouble then its worth in many cases, if you plan on doing that, burn all your important files onto a cd so you dont have to redownload them and reinstall windows, Its such a pain for me when I have to resort to that but at least your PC is clean.

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Unless the firewall software has an adware blocking component (which I doubt), it won't help.

Ad-Aware Pro (i think it costs $25) will prevent adware/spyware from getting loaded on your system (insted of just finding it after). I also remember a free adware blocker, but I can't find the link. I'll post it when I find it.

Black Ice Defender is an amazing firewall program. I used to use it and had great luck with it.

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Well for the time being the yellow thing is gone. I downloaded a free firewall , says its blocked 105 intrusions and i've had it less than 24 hours . A real hacker proboly have no problem breaking in but atleast its blocking something, and it is a popup blocker too.

How would I go about completly re installing everythign on my pc. I've wanted to do it for awhile but when i try, i guess i have a backup file somewhere cause it says i reinstalled windows but all my progs and stuff will still be loaded and fine.

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Well between ad-aware and spy-bot the yellow thing is gone. But when I run spybot it says some things are still on but will run when i restart my computer. Then I do that and it says that it couldent erase some things cause they are running or something again, no matter how many times I restart. Then I downloaded ZoneAlarm Pro firewall thing, I'm just hoping that its blocking some ad/spy ware stuff.

Anyone got any other suggestions?

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Well between ad-aware and spy-bot the yellow thing is gone. But when I run spybot it says some things are still on but will run when i restart my computer. Then I do that and it says that it couldent erase some things cause they are running or something again, no matter how many times I restart. Then I downloaded ZoneAlarm Pro firewall thing, I'm just hoping that its blocking some ad/spy ware stuff.

Anyone got any other suggestions?

what i said will get rid of it, it cleaned my slutty comp

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